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Welcome to Evolve2Love. Here we believe that a deep connection to Spirit is your birthright, that you are worthy and whole, that your ancestors matter and that you belong….


As an initiated Orisha priestess, ordained Earth-Based Interfaith Minister, Spiritual Advisor, and Intuitive Reader, Michelle is a natural born healer, leader and nurturer tasked with helping the world remember how to live in healing love.

Inspired by the ebb and flow of Universal Law, Michelle is highly skilled at sitting in sacred ceremony while living in the mundane. She supports the seeking to understand that we all are children of the Universe and life's lessons always align with getting us back to living in love.

Through her mentorship programs, readings, spiritual coaching sessions and workshops, Michelle cuts through the low-vibrational clutter and guides her clients and community members into personal understanding of how to live with Spirit for themselves. Clients find her work and leadership to be both practical in experience and transformative in impact.

Guided by her own spiritual connections, Michelle believes we'll never feel enough in this world without being in relationship with Spirit.


Evolve2Love was created to help us get free, spiritually connected and fully embodied

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“Spirituality is our birthright and the missing piece to many of lifes’ puzzles. But if you are not into traditional religion, not with the New Age fluff, what’s left?

What if I told you that you already have everything you need and that your connection to Spirit was innate?

What if I told you that there’s no need for pledges, tithes, crystals or gongs to connect with your Higher Self?

Be it connecting with your intuition, tapping into your creativity, working with your ancestors or conducting ritual for and with the Earth, the Connection to Spirit is what guides and sustains us as Full Human Beings.

You are already whole, you and your quirks are not an accident and, most imortantly YOU BELONG.”

Michelle - evolve2love

